David Keller

1317 days ago

Video: When to exit gold

Technical analyst David Keller says that the number one consideration for an investor should be price followed by regularly watching trends of many asset classes. He says, “Price tells you where capital is moving towards, while breadth shows you what bets are being made, and sentiment reveals what people are saying.” David gives some examples of breadth trends and why they provide a sneak peek into the markets’ operation.


1724 days ago

Podcast:Big Base Breakout for Gold is Here

Analyst David Keller argues that as humans, we want certainty in our decision making and investors like to believe that experts exist that know what will happen. In reality, this is not likely to be the case. Investors and experts tend to be wrong around half of the time. The game is to recognize when you have an incorrect position. Most people take a position and then worry about the risks when things start going wrong.
